martes, 4 de diciembre de 2007


We can't put the video on the blog!



first email
first email.doc
Hosted by eSnips


The Others
The Others.doc
Hosted by eSnips



Catalonia Today- October 2007

Frankfurt Book Fair under way

This year in the Frankfurt Book Fair the honor guest was the Catalan culture. This year was very specially because it wasn't a guest as a contry but this year was a culture. A lot of writers, agents ans publishers from around Catalonia went to Frankfurt to exhibited their books. This year the star gest was Quim Monzó, a very famous writter from Catalonia.

I was very suprised that this year the honor gest was the Catalan culture. We (the school class) went at October to the Book Fair to represent our culture. I think that it was very important for Catalonia that this year was the nonor guest because of this methode the catalan will be ssen as a great culture in the world.


Catalonia Today-February 2007

Stories from Africa go to Hollywood

This week come to the cinema the film Blood Diamond. This film is produced by a Hollywood production where play a very famous actor, Leonardo di Caprio.
The film is about the mining of diamond in Africa wich are used to finance conflicts (money and war). The place is in Sierra Leone and in the time of the 90's. So, a diamond smuggler of South Africa and a local fisherman are forced by a rebel army to work in the diamonds fields.

My opinion of this film is that the context of the fil is very good, very real. This type of films like very much because I like adventure and action. I think that the film could be very expensive because there are a lot of explosions. In the film played a very good actor, Leonardo di Caprio, so
the film must be very good thanks di Caprio


Catalonia Today- January 2007

A new generation of goalies takes centre stage in Spain's La Liga

Nowadays the teams in the Spanish league are entrustind in young goalkeepers. They play because their perfomance are very good in the trainigs. This results come from the excellent formation of their clubs. The older goalkeepers are keept down, and then they normally will change the team in a other league. One of the very good goalkeepers is Iker Casillas.

In my opinion is very good what are doing the spanish teams with their yooung goalkeepers because normally the trainer give the number 1 for the goalkeeper when he's 30 years old. For me, the older goalkeepers are stupid because they think that their are the best keeper in the team... This a thing that put me very nervous... So, now I'm happy because the young goalkeepers have a change to make it better as the older goalkeepers.

PORTFOLIO 2007-08!!!

viernes, 1 de junio de 2007

The Acrostic


Freestyle is an art,
Racetrack it´s stage,
Extreme sport where your
Eardrum almost explode,
Somebody jump very high
To take high puntuation,
You can see a spectacular fly,
Live them, when they do a backflip seem an
Eagle in full flight

The song

This was a typical exercise that we did every Thursday, it was very funny 'cause it was different. So, also I let a song here to complete it ;-)

LINKIN PARK --> What I've done
In this farewell
There’s no blood
There’s no ______
‘Cause I’ve drawn regret
From the truth Of a ________ lies

So let ______ come
And wash away
What I’ve done

I’ve faced myself
To cross out what I’ve become
Erase myself
And let go of what I’ve done
Put to _____
What you thought of me
Well I cleaned this ______
With the hands
Of uncertainty

So let mercy come
And wash ____
What I’ve done

I’ll start again
I’ve faced myself
To cross out what I’ve become
And let go of what I’ve done
For what I’ve done
I’m forgiving what I’ve done
Erase myself
Today this ends
And whatever pain may come

If faced myself
To cross out what I’ve from
Erase myself
And fat go of what I’ve done
What I’ve done
Foretelling what I’ve done

Ideas For a Better Presentation

The ideas are:

1.-The powerpoint hepls you for specific things

2.-Not read from the notes

3.-Don't put many numbers because it isn't important

4.-Improvise a little bit

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007


This is a dialogue, recorded by Dani, Paco and I. We "spoke" in a hospital !

sábado, 26 de mayo de 2007

Are children efected by violence on TV and computer games?

This is a writing of the second exam from the third therm.

The Description

This is a description of a landscape from the Alps.

BBC Listening

This listening of BBC is from the second therm. The subject was about the drugs in Mexico

1.- Who is on the new mission to control the cartel's activities?
The antidrug police and the defensive shot trips.

2.- What equipment will they send to the Golf Coast?
They will send vessels.

3.- How many plicemens have been murdered this year?
Between 14 and 15 policemens.

4.- What's the name of Mexico's President?

5.- Are his actions against drugs working?
Yes, it's in working with good results.

viernes, 25 de mayo de 2007

My Europass Language Passport

Catalonia Today

The bigger they come...


- Knockout (eliminatòria)
- Underdog (el vençut)
- Several (diversos)
- Press (premsa)
- Defeat (derrotar)


At Wednesday night Barça was defeated by Liverpool in the Champions League. Now, Barça is very tired and sad from the watch. But now Barça must be concentrated for the CLASSIC at Saturday, Barça vs. Real Madrid !!! The blaugranes must win because Sevilla has the same points in the league classification than Barça.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007

The multiple intelligences test

You scored as a Musical/Rhythmic learner

You like to: Sing, hum, listen the music, play an instrument and move to the music. You highlight in: Singing, recognizing sounds, remembering melodies, notice rhythms and tones and maintaining the time. You learn better: When listening music, rhythms, melodies and songs. You can improve your weakest areas too.

Naturalist learner --> 66%

Musical/Rhythmic learner --> 66%

Visual/Spatial learner --> 65%

Intrapersonal learner --> 60%

Corporal/Kinesthetic learner --> 60%

Verbal/Linguistic learner --> 59%

Logical/Mathematical Learner --> 59%

Interpersonal learner --> 56%

domingo, 20 de mayo de 2007

The formal letter

We have written this formal letter to the principal of IES Castelló d'Empúries.

Description of a friend


My best friend is David. He's tall, brown-eyed, short hair, a long nose and straigth lips.

His character is extroverted for example always he says the one that thinks to the teachers, positive or negative. But sometimes he can be nervous at the exams and he is very annoyied. But in the other hand there is sociable to all the persons. I tink that there am can't be agressive. For me the most important of David is that he is never two-faced.

He is my best friend because he is very sociable. He always helps me in the class when I don’t know something of a mate, this make a very good frien for me. David and I are friends from first of primary (11 years).

Differences between the book and the film of frankenstein


1.- Frankenstein didn't finish the monster girl.

2.- Father's Frankenstein died of sadness

3.- Victor had got two brothers: Ernest and William

4.- The monster died burned for his self

5.- Justine died in the prision

6.- Frankeinstein went to Scotland to make the monster woman.


1.- Frankenstein finish the monster girl

2.- Father's Frankenstein died murdered

3.- Victor had got one brother: willian

4.- The monster burned with frankenstein and he too died.

5.- Justine died to exectue.

6.- Frankenstein stayed in Switzerland when to make the monster


My conclusion: For me the book was better than the film because it was more realistic. But I must say that the film has good efects.

The horror story

This is the horror story "The time", that we have writte at Helloween time :-)

The Email

This is my first activity in the english class. Is a email for Sònia!


Hello my name is Pascal and this is my Online Portfolio of English of the year 2006/07.

In this portfolio I will publish all my activities that I have done during the course in the classes of English.

I hope that you like it ;-)